When I heard that my local CrossFit gym (The Meadow) was going to create a naked calendar to raise money for cancer, I knew TPub had to get involved. Luckily for you we decided to get involved through sponsorship rather than modelling.
Using your passion to help raise awareness of Mental Health
I have attended The Meadow for almost two years now and over that time I’ve noticed that TPub and the Meadow are very similar in one way. Both companies use what they do best to help raise awareness on mental health.
As some of you will know, TPub have created a comic series called Twisted Dark, where several chapters touch upon many aspects of mental health or unpleasant issues in order to help raise awareness and help readers. The staff at the Meadow are often speaking to clients or doing various talks at school about the positive impact that keeping fit can have on mental health. This is the reason why TPub is proud to sponsor the calendar.

Keeping fit and mentally healthy
I have found that attending a gym twice a week has done wonders for my mental health. Here are three ways in which this has helped me:
- Community: I dislike being alone and attending the gym has allowed me to make new friends. It’s a place I can go to chat to people about what’s going on in life and have some fun.
- Progression: I love hitting new personal goals, and I still remember the first time I was able to bench press 70kg or dead lift 100kg. When I started, I could hardly lift a bag of spuds off the ground, so it’s nice to see rewards for my efforts. Mentally, the sense of accomplishment is a real boost for me.
- Healthy body, healthy mind: The staff also do a great job in educating me about what to eat. I have found that having the right fuel for your body can really help with the way you think and perform. I tend to be most grumpy when tired and it’s funny to think that just by doing some simple exercises I tend to feel less tired and, generally, happier. Plus, I now understand what a protein is and why they are good for you (foods with protein fill you up more and longer and help repair your body quicker) – RIP fruit juices (who knew they had so much sugar!)
My key Takeaway
No matter where you work, you can always find a way to help drive awareness of mental health or help someone who is in need. I encourage you to think about what you can do in your current workplace to lend a hand.